CHP Explorer Training
The most important traits of a CHP Explorer are their dedication to the community and willingness to learn more about a career with the CHP. However, there are a few minimum requirements that should be met in order to be eligible for the program. Here is what is required from CHP Explorer applicants to maintain the safety and wellbeing of fellow Explorers and Officers.
Explorer applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Be between the ages of 15-20
- No drugs or alcohol use
- No felony convictions
- Must have least a 2.0 GPA
Organizational Values and Conduct
Members of the CHP Explorer Program represent the department and are held accountable for the following departmental organizational values:
- Respect for others
- Fairness
- Ethical practices
- Equitable treatment for all
CHP Explorers shall maintain a professional image while performing their duties, and shall not act, either privately, or officially, in such a manner as to bring discredit upon the department or fellow Explorers. CHP Explorers are expected to support fellow Explorers in the performance of their duties and shall always conduct themselves in a calm, courteous, professional, and respectful manner in order to establish and maintain the highest standards of integrity, courage, dedication, loyalty, and respect.
How to Apply
- Contact your local Area California Highway Patrol (CHP) office to obtain an application and speak to an explorer advisor to learn more about individual Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) requirements.
- Contact the Headquarters Recruitment Unit at (916) 843-3275 to get assistance with locating the Explorer Post nearest you.
- Once you submit your application, you will be required to complete a background check and medical examination by a licensed physician prior to participating in POST activities.