CHP Careers for Military Veterans - CHP


CHP Careers for Military Veterans

More than just a job, serving in the military requires a disciplined lifestyle with a particular mindset. Although adjusting to civilian life can pose a significant challenge, that same mindset and discipline also make CHP careers an excellent fit for the military.

Deciding Your Next Steps

Some veterans leaving military service have no plan of action. Because of that, they may face enormous challenges adapting to civilian life and securing jobs after the military. Many veterans have no experience looking, applying, or even interviewing for a civilian job if they entered service right after high school.

You may feel uncertain about how to proceed, but that doesn’t mean your options for a second career are limited. Civilian law enforcement jobs are the types of careers where your service experience is valued the most.

Law Enforcement Offers a Natural Transition

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, nearly 25% of those succeeding in law enforcement officer jobs have a military background – mostly due to how much these careers complement each other. The structure of law enforcement is very similar to the military. Growth in law enforcement requires many of the same personal traits that make an individual successful in the military.

State and local governments are seeking experienced veterans with passion and purpose to help raise the bar of their police departments. Veterans are among the most sought-after candidates for law enforcement positions because they exemplify honor, courage, and integrity; all qualities that produce the finest officers.

The CHP Advantage

The California Highway Patrol is among the most highly-respected government law enforcement agencies in the world. You can have a fulfilling second career, earn a good salary with paid training, medical, dental, and vision benefits for the entire family; and up to 90 percent retirement based on years of service and age. Most especially, it offers you the chance to continue being a force for good in your community.

Veteran’s Preference Program

As a veteran, you may qualify for the Veterans’ Preference Program. It benefits anyone who has served in the United States Armed Forces as defined in Government Code Section 18540 and qualifies as a veteran. Once your application is approved by the California Department of Human Resources, and you achieve a passing score in an entrance examination, you’ll be ranked at the top of the resulting eligibility list.

How do I apply for Veterans’ Preference?

To apply for Veterans’ Preference, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Veteran’s Preference Application Form (CALHR 1093)
  • Legible copy of DD214, request for documents can be found here

If you are still on active duty and within six months of separation, you’ll need to apply for Provisional Veteran’s Preference and submit the following:

  • Veteran’s Preference Application Form (CALHR 1093)
  • Provisional Transitional Waiver form, (CALHR 1094), that can be obtained by having your transition counselor call the California Highway Patrol HQ Recruitment Unit at 916-843-3275. The CHP recruitment unit will send the form directly to your counselor via email. This form must be completed by your Company Commander verifying you will be discharged from service within the six-month frame.

In order to be eligible for Veteran’s Preference or Provisional Veteran’s Preference, the CALHR 1093, CALHR 1094 and all supporting documentation must be submitted and processed by CALHR prior to your scheduled Physical Abilities Test (PAT).

Please submit all completed copies of the CALHR 1093 and or the CALHR 1094 form along with all required supporting documents by mail to:

California Department of Human Resources
ATTN: Examination Unit
1515 S Street
Sacramento, CA 95811

Once CalHR has approved your application for Veterans’ Preference, your information will remain on file for all future qualifying examinations. You can also receive eight years of list eligibility if you are 35 years old or younger on the filing date, complete the physical and written tests with passing scores, and notify the Cadet Hiring Unit of your intentions.

For any questions regarding Veteran’s Preference, contact the CALHR Examination Unit at (866) 844-8671.

You’ll Be Paid as a Cadet and Can Receive G.I. Benefits

Even as a cadet at the CHP Academy you will be well paid, get free room and board, as well as full health and dental benefits for yourself and your family. Through the G.I. Bill®, you may be eligible to receive $392-$2,100 a month as well. You’ll need to confirm your benefits as it’s not the same for all veterans.

You can also remain on Active Reserve and keep your pay and job if you get called to serve. Once you graduate from the CHP Academy, you’re automatically promoted to the position of CHP officer.

Earn $117K+ as an Officer

The average starting pay as an officer is more than $117,000, making it one of the highest-paying law enforcement jobs in the nation. There are even opportunities for specialty pay incentives for things like being bilingual or serving as a motorcycle officer, K-9 officer, pilot, on the SWAT team, and more.

Join the CHP 1000

The CHP utilizes the same discipline, integrity, skills and personal responsibility you learned while serving. You can continue to provide safety, service and security to all citizens and visitors of California while having the flexibility of choosing your path and location.

Be a part of the CHP 1000, the more than 1000 new officers ready to make a difference. Explore CHP career opportunities and contact a recruiter to start your second career that will not only support your adjustment to civilian life, but give you your best chance at a very rewarding future.

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