Women in CHP - CHP

Women in the CHP

Greatness Starts Here

At CHP, we know it’s our diversity that makes us strong. That’s why we are actively seeking ways to better represent the people and communities we serve, including doing our part to close the gender gap in law enforcement. Women that choose to join the CHP are resilient, valued, and necessary. Read on to learn more about the career from a woman’s perspective and get to know some of the hard-working individuals whose ranks you will be joining.

“You carry a heavy burden of responsibility because all eyes are upon you while you are advancing the cause of opportunity for all women.” – Judge Joan Dempsey Klein

Officer Marissa Raya
Officer Graciela James
Officer Andrea Brown
Vola Taylor
Norma Tatum
Officer Melissa Handley

A History of Breaking Barriers

We don’t just talk the talk – we walk the walk. Before 1974, if women wanted to work for the California Highway Patrol, regulations said they could only work in non-officer jobs. Women challenged those regulations – thanks to a federal ruling, the Women Traffic Officer Project (WTOP) was created. The project was a two-year experiment to determine whether women were able to effectively perform state traffic officer duties.

For the first time, female cadets entered the CHP Academy alongside their male counterparts. The result? By the end of the 16-week Academy, a female cadet, Deborah A. Street, had captured the pistol shooting award with a perfect 300 score. Academically, five of the top eight graduates were women. The WTOP class proved that women could complete the grueling Academy training and opened the door of opportunity for others.

Graduation ceremony keynote speaker, Judge Joan Dempsey Klein, told the women,

“You carry a heavy burden of responsibility because all eyes are upon you while you are advancing the cause of opportunity for all women.”

The female graduates of that first class, and the many that followed in subsequent classes, showed that women perform the job on an equal level and footing with their male colleagues. The CHP salutes the commitment and dedication of all of the women who attended and graduated from this pioneer WTOP Class. Because of their efforts, women are able to share the proud tradition of uniformed members of the CHP.

Where You Can Find Your Future

When you think about working with the CHP, which roles come to mind? It may surprise you to learn that we offer a plethora of ways to serve beyond patrolling state freeways. Special assignments include protecting the Governor, drug interdiction, auto theft, accident investigation, DUI enforcement, K-9 units, air operations, motorcycle patrol, and more. Try the Find Your Future With CHP quiz below to steer you in the right direction.

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